Camera Ready Submission Guideline

PACLING 2017 Final Manuscript (Camera Ready Copy) Submission Guideline

  1. Revise your manuscript carefully according to the comments of the reviewers and do thorough proofreading of the manuscript to confirm that it will require no revision. 

  2. Prepare your manuscript using the Spring format available via this link:

  3. All papers submitted through EasyChair system are considered to be in final form and ready for publication.

How to upload your Springer format PDF Manuscript to EasyChair

  1. Log into the PACLING 2017 EasyChair submission page and click on the Submission tab in the top menu

  2. Before uploading your camera ready paper on EasyChair, please: After carrying out the above checks click on “Update file” at the top right of the page and you will be taken to the upload page.

*** Deadline  for camera ready paper submission is 10th July 2017